TRE ONLINE SHAKE (Übungsabend) am 23.01, 19 - 20:15 Uhr
TRE INTRO WORKSHOP am 06.01, 19 - 21 Uhr

TRE als Selbsthilfewerkzeug für PTBS

Ein Fallbericht eines ehemaligen Soldaten. This report outlines the use of tension/trauma releasing exercises (TRE) for invoking the body’s innate tremor mechanism in an Australian former soldier who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following acquired brain injury after a major motor vehicle accident (MVA) in 2009. Compared to pre-intervention, improvements in physical and emotional wellbeing immediately following the intervention is clinically significant, as was further improvement in perceived stress at one and four months, with ongoing use of TRE. Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health


R. Heath, J. Beattie


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